Kansas City Kings Adult Wheelchair Basketball Team

Kansas City Kings player dribbles ball up the floor on fast break.

Kansas City Kings Adult Wheelchair Basketball Team
KC KINGS Adult Team
Our season begins in October and runs through early April. Practices are Mondays from 7-9 at Bonner Springs Elementary.
You do not need to have your own sports chair to try it out - we have program chairs that can be used! If interested, please email basketball@midwestadaptivesports.org - We can provide you with information about how our program works, when / where practices are and answer any questions you may have.
Wheelchair Basketball
Players: People who are limited in playing "stand-up" basketball because of a permanent disability are eligible for wheelchair basketball (not only players who use wheelchairs). Players are classified based on their level of disability to ensure fair competition.
Contact: The chair is considered part of the player. General rules of contact in regular basketball (charging, blocking, etc.) apply to wheelchair basketball.
Dribble: A player in possession of the ball may not push more than twice without dribbling the ball. Taking more than two successive pushes without bouncing the ball on the floor is a travel. There is no double dribble.
Court and Out-of-Bounds: Wheelchair basketball is played on a regulation basketball court, on a 10 foot hoop, with a regulation size ball. A player is out-of-bounds when any part of the player’s body or wheelchair touches the boundary line.
Free Throws: A player's rear/larger wheels need to be behind the free throw line or the foul shot is forfeited.