Kansas City Royals 3rd basemen reaches to catch ball while runner advances.

Kansas City Royals left hander hits a ball deep.

Kansas City Royals shortstop flips ball to third basemen.

Kansas City Royals 3rd basemen reaches to catch ball while runner advances.
Kansas City Royals
Wheelchair Softball Team
Practices are held Wednesday from 6-8 pm and Sundays 8-10 am (Late April - Mid August) at Pleasant Valley Park Wheelchair Softball Field.
You do not need to have your own sports chair to try it out - we have program chairs that can be used! If interested, please email softball@midwestadaptivesports.org - We can provide you with information about how our program works, when / where practices are and answer any questions you may have.
Wheelchair Softball
Players: Wheelchair softball is for individuals who have decreased mobility. It's not just for people in wheelchairs, many amputees and people with other disabilities that limit competition in "stand-up" softball, play too. Players hit, field, and run the bases using their wheelchairs.
Adapted Rules and Equipment: Wheelchair softball follows the rules of slow pitch softball with slight adaptations. The game involves teams of ten players, with six infielders and four outfielders.
Wheelchair Types: Players use sports wheelchairs that are designed for maneuverability on the field. These wheelchairs are lightweight, equipped anti-tip wheels and have reinforced frames.
Classifications: Similar to other adaptive sports, players may be classified based on their functional abilities to ensure fair competition. Classifications can vary based on factors like trunk control and mobility.
Competitions: There are regional, national, and international tournaments where teams compete for titles. The National Wheelchair Softball Association (NWSA) World Series Tournament, which ends each season in August.
There are many benefits of adaptive sports for people with disabilities!